Tuesday, April 29, 2008 ♥ 7:34 PM who wants/needs work motivation?! ^^
Free okay.. no charge.. work hard people! Time is moneyyyy.. p/s aww.. i just found out that Mdm Huang Yan will be leaving TP soon.. last teaching day on the coming Friday.. sure am gonna miss her.. talking to her and bumping to her around school and taking bus 15 together.. squeezing up the bus and chatting about random stuff.. she's gonna take a well-deserved break, take a vacation to BeiJing and spend more time with her daughter.. i wish her the very best! ♥ 9:14 AM ![]() Have you ever seen people (who have been televised to the whole Well now you've seen it.. the look on Madam Tan's face says it all.. Seriously, in my point of view, i dont tink the real issue here should not be about money.. or justice.. since the law cant really function properly without bribes or whatsoever.. (i do not care) it should be about MORALS.. the fact that she doesnt look the least bit remorseful shows us she has NO morals.. she doesnt even look like she thinks she's wrong for slapping the SIA stewardess.. and this is the kind of situation whereby she will not learn her lesson and freely slap others or inflict hurt (emotionally or physically) again onto others when she knows she can escape paying the price for her actions.. she will just start developing the mentality that with money, she can afford to get away with anything.. Looking to celebrities out of Singapore, we see Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie and a whole ton of others abusing their monetary authority onto others. Drunk driving, causing unwanted danger to others, and yet time n time again, they escape from the grips of the law. i personally feel that the law should be an upright organization (as what it deems it is), deciding cases on the clear actions (evidence they say) and not from the point of standing to benefit from the case or afraid of offending the person. When the law is intact, it should take care of everybody, regardless of whether the person is rich or poor. In this case, the evidence is clear, so tell me.. what's the point of even allowing her to be free? The only thing she learnt is that she is indeed superior to the SIA stewardess and to all of us as well.. and then she will just go home, pray to whichever Gods she prays to, play some MahJong since she feels she is on a 'lucky streak' , go for some SPA to relieve all the 'stress' she's been through and slap another person in future if she feels like it. Ending off with this quote.. The law is not perfect. If you are guilty, but not enough evidence to convict you, you are innocent. If you are innocent, but not enough evidence to acquit you, you are dead. so kids, never get into trouble with the law, because they are not there to help u (regardless of what they say) Love, Alyssa ♥ 12:54 AM yeah i said i would go to sleep.. but nooooooo.. i had to play cabal till my stupid fb is lvl 5.. and i had to xfer songs.. which lead to the song 'Everything' coming up on my playlist... which kinda stopped me in my tracks.. because it only reminded me of one person.. then i proceeded to tell that person: ehh though we're frens now and sometimes its awkward and all.. but like.. the song everything came up on my playlist.. i dunno if what i say might affect u or not.. hopefully it wun in a bad way.. but the song made me think of u.. well i guess thats all..haha.. gdnites.. bye. (whews, that's long) i must be the unCOOLest person on EARTH! who ever uses awkward sincerity together with humour that is not very humourous?! (only me i guess...) i like just wanted to tell him sincerely that the song makes me think of him.. but inside, im afraid that he might take it the wrong way and tink that im playing with his emotions.. :( i hope not.. having a bad stomachache now.. *tears* Love, Alyssa Monday, April 28, 2008 ♥ 10:53 PM ![]() ![]() okay, can someone tell me why is she posting toilet pictures? has Alyssa gone mad!!! hehs.. i had a majorrrr toilet issue earlier.. but the first picture is kinda cute.. and does anybody notice how comforting a full fat roll of toilet paper seems to be? (at least to me) today was the first day of practicals.. not bad.. but kinda mentally and physically draining.. even though it was not super laborious.. yeah.. so we did Blood Collection.. another repeat on the coming wed.. (gonna see TerriSissy.. cool moniker ehs.. okay lar.. Terris the Man!) students were rowdy and nervous.. some loud and exuberant.. reminds me of my class.. hehs.. i miss my schoolmates plenty.. then i went to collect my Graduation gown.. hahaa, me Roy and Char were like walking around school during lunch.. and purposely taking our time in the auditorium coz the aircon there is awesome.. and the atmosphere there is so calm and relaxing.. apart from the outside environment, stifling hot and unnerving.. so... ended up going after 6pm since we got lost (i know, seniors much?!) met Azhar.. ahh.. haven talked to that guy for sooooo long! was damn good catching up with this old friend of mine.. so back to the now.. most popular question.. so what are you gonna do after graduation.. frankly, i dont really have the answers.. i hope i find something soon :) Love, Alyssa p/s has anibody else noticed that the weather seems to get hotter and hotter! I feel like i cant bathe and stay dry after towelling animore! Sweats!!! okay.. i better get going.. work tmr at 8.30am, and my stomach is making funny noises, just rub my favourite stomach oil.. o_O weird i am, i know. hahaha Sunday, April 27, 2008 ♥ 3:17 PM ![]() The Yao Ming picture almost made me choke on a piece of apple I was eating. yes, its THAT funny.. to me. On close up, the picture looks realllllyyy gross.. the guy is licking yao ming's armpit.. some ang moh or what (as informed by Ben).. HaHahHAHAhahahahHahahah.. Love, Alyssa Saturday, April 26, 2008 ♥ 8:00 PM "Drifting apart Slowly, we move away Never to return Unsure of what to say Words left unsaid Silence in the air Never to be spoken Never to be shared" Laughter filled the air Screaming to Beatles Twist and Shout You were always there for me But that was then.. What was once laughter is now tears and apologies. We grew apart and now there's just a feeling of uncertainty in the air.. Truth is i miss you so much, but that will be left unspoken. And you will never realise how important you Turn your back on me, lets keep the rest sweet. Farewell and take care, my good old friend. Love Alyssa Friday, April 25, 2008 ♥ 9:56 AM my wound got ripped open today again.. raw pain at its fiercest.. tremendous need for love matched by the fear of abandonment think about that and co-dependence. BPD.. hmm.. ponder ponder ponder. Love Alyssa Tuesday, April 22, 2008 ♥ 8:44 PM something random is that i have always loved and still love this song 'i dont feel like dancing' by scissor sisters i tink its one of the best happy songs ever!! btw, just made a trip to the doc.. ton of medicine to take.. and 2 days mc. this particular mc must be the most expensive mc ive ever taken.. it costs me 1*0 bucks.. lols.. try guessing and ull know how much is my one day's pay.. know wad i like to say when people ask me how much is my pay? i would answer "not enough".. hahaa. Love, Alyssa ♥ 6:09 PM got a big whoop-de-whoop.. nevermind if you duno what i meant.. aniwaes.. i finally decided to place health over money today.. took leave.. kinda upset.. seeing the doc ltr.. feeling really weird and uncomfortable.. sick i guess.. on a side note.. im wondering if i might get a place... afraid to get my hopes up high.. Love, Alyssa Monday, April 21, 2008 ♥ 5:37 PM man! i feel so absolutely terrible right now. tinge of nausea, drowsy eyes, bloody gash with alternating periods of tingling and sharp pains (not to say that the gash keeps spilting apart), nose that cant decide between being blocked or runny, sore throat, headache, sneezes and cough. that really sums everything up. the time seems to tick slower n slowerr.. i think im dying.. or at least my system is.. soon.. Love, Alyssa (who is too stupid to apply for an MC) Wednesday, April 16, 2008 ♥ 8:54 AM ![]() im starting to look like this. Alyssa ♥ 8:34 AM oh well.. another day of work.. feeling really tired and worn-out.. sick as well.. really feel like taking MC or something.. but guess i cant.. becoz there's work to be done.. sighs.. and the best thing is that even if i can take MC for one day.. there will be several more days where i have to work.. so whats the point of taking MC? i should just work while feeling unwell.. and earn that one day's amount of pay.. work's tiring. i cant wait for the weekends to come.. so i can slp more and wake up late.. this week is week O.. as informed by my junior.. today, the bus 15 was so packed!!! so absolutely crammed.. but still better than taking the MRT at the peak hour.. i tried playing cabal ytd nite.. created some noob force blader.. coz i had no frigging idea what job is good.. it was kinda complicated to play and the pple inside are not friendly at all.. so i gave up after that.. too many aspects to understand.. shall try it next time when im free-er.. on the other hand, some things are troubling me.. its making me feel very uneasy and stressed.. makes everything slowww and draggyyy.. and it hasnt even been 1 mth since i started work T.T Love, Alyssa Tuesday, April 15, 2008 ♥ 2:55 PM been really busy with work everyday.. projects, assignments, duties, etc.. yes.. im working.. im not playing games or slacking.. surprise! surprise! so today's the big O.. not O levels.. i tink im getting "outdated" or senile.. big O actually refers to Orientation for freshies.. (dun you miss the term freshies?) haha.. when my junior told me that.. i was like huh o levels? swa ku right.. so earlier on in the morning.. this orientation leader guy was like asking me "Hi! Welcome, can I help you?" in a super enthusiatic manner.. i proceeded to answer "im a staff. haha.. xD" that was funny.. but kudos for his spirit! i felt kinda happy ytd nite when i talked to an old friend.. i miss all my tp vet sci friends.. the fooling around and imitating lecturers.. i cant wait to see all of them again at Graduation 2008! it's our time. a piece of good new is that my eldest bro found a Sandisk 2gb MSPD and gave it to me well, he wants to sell it to me for 20 bucks.. but ill just stall.. SHH! xD some people might ask i have an old blog, why dont i just use it? and if i dont want to use it, why dont i delete it? like i said before, i believe in keeping all memories, happy or sad.. i dun like the notion of deleting a whole blog full of posts from the heart just coz many of them remind you of how much you got hurt.. yes.. the recent entries of the old blog indeeds protrays a very different side of me.. and it hurts me inside each time im reminded of the incidents by reading the posts... but that is in the past.. this is a fresh start.. to better things.. one good news that's overdued is i have passed my driving! xD yayyyyy!! so the theme of this blog is lovecrayons.. depicting the idea of using love as crayons to colour up your life.. ever remember how it felt being a kid and holding your first crayon? the joy it felt to add colour to drawings and pictures.. even to the freshly white-washed walls? when we grow older, we seldom come into contact with crayons animore.. but instead of spreading the colour, we can learn to spread the love.. by using love to colour life life's treasures are not measured by their worth, but by their moments of love. Love, Alyssa Wee ♥ 2:17 PM This is a new beginning.. again. Love, Alyssa |
lovecrayons ![]() 11th November Project Officer goals SPREAD THE LOVE escapades Cecilia Charis Gerald Grace Hui-Peng Joel Kurt Nisha Ria Sakinah Wendy XinQuan & Me <3 Zi Jiang We Are Never Full into the past May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 November 2009 |