Monday, June 30, 2008 ♥ 7:34 AM Morning falls like rain into the city life There goes another night Losing my breath in waves Knowing that every crash is bleeding the hourglass and taking the strife from all our lives Everyone keeps talking They promise you everything But they don't mean anything We may lose our focus There's just too many words We're never meant to learn And we don't feel so alive So goodbye, these days are gone and we can't keep holding on When all we need is some relief Though these hard times Through these hard times Move your hands in circles Keeping me hypnotized The power behind your eyes Move around your bedroom cursing the naked sky You should be here tonight But you stay alone and cry Say goodbye, these days are gone and we can't keep holding on When all we need is some relief Through these hard times (whoa) There's something missing (Oh whoa) You'll never feel it but you (Oh whoa) You're gonna feel it when it's gone When it's gone Say goodbye, these days are gone and we can't keep holding on When all we need is some relief Through these hard times (hey) these Hard times (oh no now) Hard times Hard times Say goodbye, these days are gone Say goodbye, these days are gone These days are gone iran 620 Love Alyssa ♥ 12:58 AM "hey, is anybody home?
has anybody wasted tears on loneliness that everyone becomes." Sunday, June 29, 2008 ♥ 10:42 PM you gave me hope.. but now you give me despair.. i thought that it would be different.. but its always the same.. round n round.. i wonder how many more years do i have to re-live this nightmare.. this pain of caring for you.. i wish to cast it aside but i cant.. dont make me hate you please. Alyssa ♥ 1:31 AM cry without trying afraid to fall asleep seek comfort in the dark familiarity i guess i never really moved on Alyssa Saturday, June 28, 2008 ♥ 3:45 PM laughter were few and in between. the damage is already done. seems like the things that haunt me inside never stop growing... they cut like knives against raw flesh.. lurk like bad nightmares in every cell of my body.. i feel it each time i breathe.. feel so small inside.. feel damn misunderstood.. but nobody knows.. im tired of hiding away and pretending im strong.. what am i susposed to do? Alyssa Friday, June 27, 2008 ♥ 10:50 AM early in the morning.. someone pisses me off.. assuming and saying that i tink too much.. forcing his opinions on me.. i hate that. and u know sumthing.. i have no reason to believe in love animore.. i think its all just a game we play.. the make up, fake up and break ups.. they all dont go aniwhere.. whoeva said Love conquers all must be brain dead... and im sick of hearing Happiness/Success is a journey, not destination.. If you think that you sound damn smart by saying.. think again.. coz u sound so fking crappy and lame.. it is fucking overused.. and what does it even mean psychologically? you are telling me that i will never reach happiness/success? or are u telling me that its a futile long goose chase? to pursue and pursue and find out that its not there.. LOVE. IS. OVERRATED. LIFE. IS. OVERRATED. AS WELL. this blog is a sham.. wad love crayons.. i only feel angsty, emo and depressed.. i only think upset and angry thoughts.. i cant be that person.. this is me.. Alyssa Disclaimer: This is very well my fucking blog to pen out my fucking thoughts, if you fucking disagree, then you might as well agree with me that you are indeed a fucker who derives pleasure from fucking around with me. Disclaimer 2: This does not apply to people who didnt piss me off. Thoughts may vary from time to time. Thursday, June 26, 2008 ♥ 11:14 PM Don't remember where I was I realized life was a game The more seriously I took things The harder the rules became I had no idea what it'd cost My life passed before my eyes I found out how little I accomplished All my plans denied So as you read this know my friends I'd love to stay with you all Please smile when you think of me My body's gone that's all A tout le monde (To all the world) A tous mes amis (To all my friends) Je vous aime (I love you) Je dois partir (I have to leave) These are the last words I'll ever speak And they'll set me free If my heart was still alive I know it would surely break And my memories left with you There's nothing more to say Moving on is a simple thing What it leaves behind is hard You know the sleeping feel no more pain And the living are scarred A tout le monde (To all the world) A tous mes amis (To all my friends) Je vous aime (I love you) Je dois partir (I have to leave) These are the last words I'll ever speak And they'll set me free YOUTHANASIA. Love Alyssa Tuesday, June 24, 2008 ♥ 9:15 PM I realised that the more I work, the more of a neat freak I become.. un-naturally. I am lazy and messy but I cannot seem to stand this environment anymore.. makes me feel as though im living in a cluttered disorganized out of control box.. arghs!! i really need to pack my room, clean my tables, organize my bags, change my bedsheets, dust every visible surface (even the tv), disinfect the walls, sweep every corner (even under the bed), mop the floor, clean the grilles and polish the mirror, etc.. when im done, im gonna beg to have a phone installed in my room too. (hope that will work out.) This has been a rant.. and it was brought to u by the angst in me. Love Alyssa ♥ 9:13 PM Things To Do: pack. your. room. pronto. Love Alyssa Monday, June 23, 2008 ♥ 4:33 AM When I look in your eyes I can see that you Want to be with me but you're so scared And I don't know what to say or do But the tears keep falling from your eyes And I know that times won't change my love And I can't do nothing to keep you Oh, I'll give my love Oh when I hold you tight Give my love through kisses oh so bright And you know that I can't change my love Take my love all through the night As the hours pass away You think that love ain't here to stay Feel a beat from your chest But you don't give doubt a moment's rest You dream the future and all you see is dark Listen to your heart, baby, The truth will set sparks Now I'll give my love oh when I hold you tight Give my love through kisses oh so bright And you know, that I can't change my love Take my love all through the night it does not get any more apt than this thanks for understanding me this much Love Alyssa Monday, June 16, 2008 ♥ 8:55 PM ![]() Although you are light, thanks for picking me up from my super emo state. Love ♥ 8:08 PM dunno whats gotten into me lately. i feel so upset and sians everyday. i dun really feel like talking to anybody. the only highlight of today is louis, made me laughed till i cried.. hahaha.. den when it was time to go home, i walked from TP to TM and started feeling emo again.. coz of certain tings.. i couldnt even feel the distance coz my brain was zoned out.. just my mp3 and me.. yet i could feel the twinge in my heart.. wanted to walk all the way home.. over the highway.. but i smelt rain, which has this very refreshing-depressing feeling on me.. so i decided to drop by the library for a bit.. borrowed two books to keep me busy when im not at work.. skipped lunch but ate some biscuits in the office.. dun really feel like eating dinner.. i feel like going away.. for a really long time. but there's so much i just cant leave behind.. Alyssa ♥ 7:56 PM same dashed hopes same broken-ness strangers for company im still at square 1 im there so much its almost cliche. Alyssa Sunday, June 15, 2008 ♥ 3:45 PM Ame no Orchestra (Orchestra of Rain) Into a purely white notebook I start to write down my memories of you (with a pen) Outside the window the rain falls like on that day, non-stop since yesterday It falls on forever, knocking at the window Drip, drop, one, two Outside the gently shaking window The weather forecast predicted rain, did you take an umbrella as you went out? “Goodbye today’s sunshine”, I repeat several times If I looked up to the sky, I might see a grain of light Ordinary days, orchestra of echoes of the tunes rain plays I wasn’t surprised at all to find you in the middle of town where the sinners come and go Cherry tree leaves, wet from the early summer rain, and I, waiting for you to come A cat, all wet and shrivelling, joining you They look like Hydrangeas The umbrellas of the street houses which bloom vividly Your brightly red vinyl umbrella that dyed your profile red The birds in the shade of the trees are tired of waiting for the sky But...I don’t hate this rain Folding one umbrella, I invite you to stand underneath my little umbrella The cold air prevents us from standing apart, because of the distance our fingertips touch lightly You wear your hair tied up today, yesterday, you had looked more adult Dye my ordinary days As I put down the pen, the rain has stopped. Unnoticed, the sky has started flowing You certainly knew about the lies I told you, right? From the beginning. Our mistakes have flown with the rain, soon, we will also be washed away I won’t be found in the picture full of luck you draw I, who used to be reflected in your eyes I hadn’t been surprised at all to find you in the middle of town where the sinners come and go Cherry tree leaves, wet from the early summer rain, and I, waiting for you who is not there With my eyes closed, I smell your scent in the wind Alyssa ♥ 2:50 PM put on a brave front and hide away the tears carry the cake and say happy father's day. be happy for others. Alyssa ♥ 1:16 PM this is too good. okay as soon as carmen comes online.. he switches his nick to yawnzers.. and switches it again to wow? already using my name? you really are a pitiable plastic.. fool is just too nice word.. lols trying to act innocent now? what happened to eg of a polymer: wee? u dare to put on ur nick but u afraid to let others know? im not afraid! i wun change my nick! hahaha... Alyssa ♥ 12:40 PM eg of a polymer: Wee - the great Himbo strikes again oohh.. so smart.. u know science.. i worship u.. coz u are l33t! LOLS. *rolls eye* dude, have some originality.. isnt that another form of saying plastic.. yawns................ Definition of Himbo: - Male bimbo Eg. Gay Boy Terris Tan Shen How. (also commonly known as GBT) aniwaes, FUCK YOU (not me of coz, eww, useless lj kia) for insulting my family name. you can insult me but never touch my family name! Alyssa ♥ 12:26 PM i know i will definitely lose to you in plasticity.. sighz.. i not as hiong lor. - GBT the Greatest Himbo lols.. who initiated the plastic war? are those sarcastic words a cover for your cowardice? how am i plastic when u are the one being a fake 'friend' towards me? Alyssa ♥ 12:06 PM I asked the same question to 2 guys who have known me for many many years. Q: Am I materialistic/superficial? Please answer honestly. Words from a fellow gay which i RESPECT: Words from an ex-bf: Alyssa ♥ 12:02 PM has my words gotta do with your plasticity? - again from dearest GBT (yes, GBT strikes again!!) so are u admitting that you tink im plastic.. or are u trying to back out of a confrontation.. i have kept quiet long enough.. if u wanna act innocent now.. den take it that i have something personal towards you for what you previously commented about me =) Alyssa ♥ 11:50 AM the life (of) a true plastic involves jealousy, tenacity and materialism beyond logical comprehension. - again, wise words spoken from GBT (ALL HAIL HIM!) woahh.. trying to sound deep? now im jealous and materialistic as well? wow.. do u really know me?? u sure talk like u think u do... who is the one whose jealous that carmen isnt there to talk to u or sms u as much animore? who is the one hiding behind words? materialism.. i leave it for u to decide.. besides, whether im materialistic or not.. is it really your concern or your judgement to pass? i nv dated you dude.. and never will.. please check up the meaning of materialistic.. do i carry LV bags given from rich guys or decked head to toe in branded goods? i seem to remember im holding a day job.. i dont think materialistic people care much about earning an income.. what u dont realise is how u are coming in between others.. and you call yourself a true friend.. Alyssa ♥ 11:17 AM well the last straw broke.. i hate it when people blemish the innocence of true BL..- nonetheless, your whimsical words are still your demise.. not that i really care, though the fakishness is trauma-ing me. - written by gay advice for you.. grow up.. quit talking like a school kid.. trauma-ing? lols.. acbc much? ive always been nice and supportive of your sexual orientation and tried being a friend and somewhat a mentor coz i have hopes for you to excel.. well i guess to you, that makes me whimsical, plastic and superficial.. nice try using three different words to describe one trait.. it really makes it so much harder to guess.. i am not gonna take this lying down.. the only thing fake is how you are posting coded messages on your msn nick.. instead of saying to my face what u dislike about my personality and solving it between us.. i dont take well to cowardice and superficiality in friendships.. but if thats the way u play, ill gladly play along.. even if i will lose a valued fren in the process.. (which i absolutely abhor!) like i said.. though im not sure if its directed at me but i have every reason to.. besides the changes u made to your nick which coincides with the timing of incidents that happened.. makes it more suspicious.. besides, i know from carmen that you think im plastic.. lols you. dont. know. me. AT ALL! so never ever judge me! have some dignity and respect for yourself! what are u so mad at me about? did i ever offend you? or are u just scared that carmen will leave u? if ur that possessive a fren, i have nothing to say.. mayb you shld just step up your game instead of hiding in the shadows and spouting some coded crap which you think is very mysterious.. so bit of advice.. get IN my face and say it straight what you are so unhappy about! i dare u to.. Alyssa ♥ 1:35 AM been a long time since ive felt suicidal.. it hurts so much i cant breathe.. ♥ 1:03 AM being whimsical with words only brings downfall on your part.. fakeness only turns on my trauma switch.. should i cry or be angry? Alyssa Saturday, June 14, 2008 ♥ 8:12 PM i was so afraid i would lose you. Alyssa ♥ 7:15 PM i have so much regret inside myself. i feel so useless. spent so much time being angry with him. wasted so much time, when i was susposed to love him. how could i be so stupid? how could i let anger blind my eyes? how could i hate him? Hate has poisoned our relationship.. the stupid things we do for love. does it take a whole lot of blood to start loving and caring for your loved ones? Alyssa, you are the stupidest girl that ever lived. The disappointment I feel in you far exceeds any disappointment I've ever felt. Alyssa ♥ 7:04 PM Alyssa ♥ 6:54 PM 爱爱爱爱了几回 也明白其中滋味 付出的从来不会等于收回 我却还在等待着谁能出现 伤伤伤伤了几回 也曾经为爱憔悴 爱情里好人总比坏人狼狈 我却还是学不会狠心对谁 男人男人多希望你是好人 多希望用你的真让我不必再心疼 女人女人我答应做个好人 我答应用我一生来换你的快乐一生 This entry is dedicated to the those with feelings left unspoken and unheard. Alyssa ♥ 6:51 PM Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness. Everything's left unspoken and goes unheard. Hate and Anger has conquered both Love and Hope. Sorrow and Regret seems to still be missing. is it too late? Alyssa Friday, June 13, 2008 ♥ 7:56 PM "To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour." William Blake ♥ 7:09 PM the light disappears cant smile nor breathe the road seems longer your presence lingers this despair i feel inside consumes my soul and being like ink it seeps even into the coldest portions my mind draws a blank yet your haunting me just playing on repeat waiting for nothingness is it broken? can we work it out? dont look away please i feel tired and dead Alyssa Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ♥ 9:01 PM The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new EYES. Alyssa Monday, June 9, 2008 ♥ 11:59 PM ![]() Strawberry Panic. Saving Face. Loving Annabelle. Carmen Wong. i think im becoming more n more lesbian by the minute. Love Alyssa
Sunday, June 8, 2008 ♥ 4:00 PM Love hurts But sometimes it's a good hurt And it feels like I'm alive Love sings When it transcends the bad things Have a heart and try me 'cause without love I won't survive Love Alyssa ♥ 3:47 PM The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. The scientist has marched in and taken the place of the poet. Alyssa Wednesday, June 4, 2008 ♥ 10:09 PM wells.. Realize came up on my playlist.. Take time to realize, That your warmth is Crashing down on in. Take time to realize, That I am on your side Didn't I, didn't I tell you. It's not all the same No it's never the same If you don't feel it too. If you just realize what I just realized Then we'd be perfect for each other And we'd never find another Just realize what I just realized We'd never have to wonder If we missed out on each other If only i had the ability to ignore my feelings, i would change everything for you.. i would never hurt u at all.. and i would say to u dont leave me.. but i guess im an emotional coward.. Regards Alyssa ♥ 10:00 PM time and time again.. i screw things up with my emotions.. i thought we would be different.. that we could stay best friends and ___rs.. i feel so broken.. as though ive learnt the world's greatest darkest secrets again.. i dont wanna accept it.. but i feel that i have no choice but to.. becoz im afraid of losing u.. im afraid to turn to u.. for fear of hurting u.. if only i was braver. im crashing down to groundzero.. reality really hurts.. what is ____? what are u? If i dont even understand ____, can i handle a relationship.. and can i ____ u? i really want to but i duno how anymore.. Regards, Alyssa Sunday, June 1, 2008 ♥ 10:58 PM Cars, Doors & U-turns these strange feelings the thoughts in my mind the way you affect me besides is just not close enough who was to know that you'd be the biggest u-turn in my life Love, Alyssa |
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