Tuesday, July 29, 2008 ♥ 9:41 AM i know words have been few but just an update on my life in this miserable been kinda reluctant to post coz so many things are going on.. work has been super busy... ever since Dr Jomer left for Canada, anybody and everybody has been calling me. my phone rings all the time even before 8.30am to after 6.00pm. (okay not ALL the time but confirm got calls and smses from some people) well im not complaining neither am i enjoying.. kinda neutral.. though it is tiring having to juggle both my duties and his duties.. just trying to do the best i can.. lols i dun even know what im feeling now.. just feel tired... life, on the other hand, has been pretty good.. my colleague showed me a blog with a really sad story (that is 100% true) and it made me realise that we never ever know how lucky we really are.. and death serves as the ultimate reminder.. so to all my loved ones and random passerbys.. treasure ur loved ones today before its too late.. so cliche. but true. went to the beach on Sunday.. ate a homecooked lunch there, saw a Tarzan (which tried to attack me.. lols), played on the swings (which i snatch from little kids.. nah jk), ate a chocolate-raspberry ripple ice cream (weather was frigging hot), sat under the hot sun looking across the and grew tanner a wee bit (not that anibody realises.. including me until ytd). haha.. the beach rocks! wow.. look at how much text ive wrote.. my affair with words is getting stronger.. seriously.. this has been a really lame post.. before i go.. Avatar: The Last Airbender is really really good!!! go watch it, people. Love Alyssa p/s did i mention that its really weird having to supervise older guys? (hoi.. dun anihow think!) Sunday, July 27, 2008 ♥ 8:44 AM woke up at 7.46am due to a really scary nightmare.. never knew that insecurity transcends through sleep in the subconscious mind as well.. just after i comforted JH over her nightmare.. and now i got one.. bit hard to believe my own words that nightmares usually protray the opposite of life.. in my nightmare.. i felt so utterly helpless and destitude.. it felt so real.. im afraid. im afraid. im afraid. sometimes sleep doesnt feel like a solution.. dont turn the other way. please... Love Alyssa Thursday, July 24, 2008 ♥ 11:10 AM Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3 Sunday, July 20, 2008 ♥ 10:19 PM im sorry Love Alyssa Saturday, July 19, 2008 ♥ 9:01 PM ![]() just came back from a walk to Elias Mall
started pouring when i went out went to find 1000 island dressing but everywhere its out of stock! im beginning to think that 1000 island may be found to be carcinogenic or sumthing. hahas.. left at about 8.30pm today's already 19th July 2008. ndp is coming.. this has been a redundant post. Love Alyssa Friday, July 18, 2008 ♥ 10:37 AM For all I've been blessed with in this life There was an emptiness in me I was imprisoned by the power of gold With one honest touch you set me free Let the world stop turning Let the sun stop burning Let them tell me love's not worth going through If it all falls apart I will know deep in my heart The only dream that mattered had come true In this life, I was loved by you For every mountain I have climbed And every raging river crossed You were the treasure that I longed to find Without your love I would be lost Alyssa Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ♥ 12:00 AM just reach home.. really tired.. but it seems like one thing's never changed.. ending the day with a mixture of hurt, sadness and confusion.. i want it all to go away.. but then this sadness is my remembrance.. i wish i could slash away everything.. escape. Alyssa Monday, July 14, 2008 ♥ 9:18 PM Oh yar... Goodbye Queen. i hope u remember to come back when i leave food out. sorry we couldnt keep you. Alyssa ♥ 9:00 PM so weary and lost. this feeling is indescribable. yet its all too familiar. just got home, fell asleep on the bus, luckily i din miss my stop. was great to meet Ria again today.. got my Minties from her!! thanks girl.. i really <3 them!!!!! too many personal problems.. feels like im facing obstacles in everything i do.. but yet life goes on...... its really tough living behind a facade. Alyssa ♥ 10:20 AM Father, I pray for courage as I begin this day, for I understand there is work to be done, burdens to be carried, feelings to be shared and joys to be celebrated. Grant me the courage to be silent that I may hear Thy voice; to persevere, that I may share Thy victory; and to remember, lest I forget the way by which Thou has led me. And when this day is done, O Lord, may I have the courage to see Thy guiding hand in the friendships that have been made, in the hurts that have been healed, and in the strength that has been given. Amen. Alyssa
♥ 10:16 AM O Lord, In this time of need, strengthen me. You are my strength and my shield; You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I know, Father, that Your eyes go to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts long for You. The body grows weary, but my hope is in You to renew my strength. I do not fear, for You are with me. I am not dismayed or overwhelmed, for You are my God. I know You will strengthen me and help me; that You will uphold me with Your righteous hand. Even as the shadows of illness cover me, I feel the comfort of Your strength, Our Lord. Amen. Alyssa
Sunday, July 13, 2008 ♥ 11:13 PM ![]() i think my past is finally catching up to me. :) Alyssa Saturday, July 12, 2008 ♥ 11:26 PM Your Word is a light unto my path Your Love guides me through my darkest night And even though sometimes Your ways I cannot understand I’ll never walk away because my future’s In Your hands I don’t care what people will say I’m running after You I won’t turn back and go their way Coz I’m running after You Don’t matter what may come my way I’m running after you It’s You I’m following today I’m running after You Alyssa ♥ 8:47 PM Oh sleeping stars, why are you so sad tonight Oh sleeping stars, will you shine for me tonight Oh sleeping stars Can you see them float in the night sky Can you hear those echoes of their sweet cries, creating a tune Can you see them shine so bright Can you feel their loneliness through their cold light, touching you My eyes feel so heavy when the stars are calling me Join with us eternally I'm falling in deep trance and my powers are weakening I'm falling in a world between dreams and reality I am now alone in the silent light and there's nothing but darkness around me Deeper into unknown the strange light is guiding me Wake me until it's too late Suddenly I feel a warmth go through my body But I feel that a part of me has died, I sense the change in me I must have been away so long so please stay with me for a while Alyssa Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ♥ 9:31 PM ♥ 2:29 AM In a perfect world, in another time In a far off place, we wouldn't need to justify Everything we are and all that we believe We could finally be whoever we both want to be And when we can't be heard And when we can't be seen I will call you close and You will reach for me When all of the beauty turns to pain When all of the madness falls like rain As long as we crash and we collide We will be gorgeous, you and I Through the window pane, through the bedroom door This city wants to fight but it can't touch us anymore We have come so far, we have shed our skin The more that's taken from us now, the more we have to give And when we are drowning in the noise I'm gonna stop to hear your voice As long as we crash and we collide We will be gorgeous, you and I. Alyssa Saturday, July 5, 2008 ♥ 3:40 AM There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue. "I don't cut myself now but in the past when I got really depressed and overwhelmed and I felt like I made someone I was close to mad at me or disappointed them I would lose it and cut myself. It was like I hated myself so much and thought I was such a bad person that I deserved to be hurt. And I think physically hurting myself helped me focus on the physical pain instead of the emotional pain. Its like a distraction. I got so stuck in the emotions I didn't know what to do but I felt like I had to do something like kill myself but I was too afraid so I just cut myself. I would'nt tell her she is stupid or being stupid. She probably already knows it is not good for her and is not the answer to her problems. she needs help to figure out a healthier way to deal with her emotions. If you really want to try and be there for her(which I know can be trying) I would tell her you care about her and know she is having problems and you hope she will get help. Just her knowing you care about her might help her a little because people like her usually feel sad and alone and embarassed that they do these immature things. Cause normal people who don't cut or who have never had bad depression can't understand at all what they are going through. They think they just do it for attention but the person is dealing with so many feelings and just wants it to go away." - Trinstar's answer to why do people cut themselves Alyssa Thursday, July 3, 2008 ♥ 3:28 PM I looked at your face I saw that all the love had died I saw that we had forgotten to take the time I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do Couldn't care less about the lies You couldn't find the time to cry We forgot about love We forgot about faith We forgot about trust We forgot about us Now our love's floating out the window Our love's floating out the back door Our love's floating up in the sky in heaven Where it began back in God's hands You said that you had said all that you had to say You said baby it's the end of the day And we gave a lot but it wasn't enough We got so tired that we just gave up We didn't respect it We went and neglected it We didn't deserve it But I never expected this Our love floated out the window Our love floated out the back door Our love floated up in the sky to heaven It's part of a plan It's back in God's hands Back in God's hands It didn't last It's a thing of the past Oh we didn't understand Just what we had Oh I want it back Just what we had Oh I want it back Oh just what we had Alyssa ♥ 1:40 PM every song reminds me of you. my heart is flooded with emotions. my mind is flooded with thoughts. im breaking apart again n again. each day i wage the same war. and feel the same outcome. each day i try to be strong again. and i fail yet again. im living on repeat. Alyssa ♥ 9:26 AM At 6am, i was contemplating whether or not to go to work.. and it was leaning towards going coz i know LAST practicals will be hell.. and i have to help Jomer.. on top of that.. i need to remove my specimens from the embedding plate... but i guess my body kinda made the final decision for me.. woke up at 9.14am.. and immediately called Jomer.. feel so tired.. could be because i kept waking up at night (blocked nose issues). aniwaes.. i went to see the doctor ytd and he gaf me 2 days MC.. apparently i didnt know i was running a fever.. just felt super cold.. yesterday was a bad day.. i missed the bus 15. i had a lecturing from my supervisor. i lost sumone precious. i realised i nv changed. i i felt cold and my nose, throat and eyes hurt. i almost got hit by a taxi. i almost tripped over my own doorstep. blahs. typical day i guess.. imma go back to sleep now. woke up just to email supervisors. Alyssa Wednesday, July 2, 2008 ♥ 7:28 AM I dream a lot, I know you say You've got to get away The world is not yours for the taking Is all you ever say I know I'm not the best for you But promise that you'll stay 'Cause if I watch you go, you'll see me wasting You'll see me wasting away 'Cause today you walked out of my life 'Cause today your words felt like a knife I'm not living this life Goodbyes are meant for lonely people Standing in the rain And no matter where I go It's always pouring all the same These streets are filled with memories Both perfect and in pain And all I wanna do is love you But I'm the only one to blame 'Cause today you walked out of my life 'Cause today your words felt like a knife I'm not living this life (But what do I know if you're leaving?) All you did was stop the bleeding But these scars will stay forever These scars will stay forever And these words they have no meaning If we cannot find the feeling That we held on to together Try your hardest to remember Stay with me or watch me bleed I need you just to breathe 'Cause today you walked out of my life (Stay with me or watch me bleed) 'Cause today your words felt like a knife (I need you just to breathe) I'm not living this life Alyssa Tuesday, July 1, 2008 ♥ 11:58 PM she falls and falls but there is nobody broken promises broken girl bloodstains and tears murder it wouldnt be coz she's not living i wish i could kill her. Ghost ♥ 11:45 PM to never leave me even as a friend.. but i guess that is too much to ask.. back away then.. if you really think its the best for both of us.. arghs nvm.. i have nothing to say anymore.. seriously nothing. nothing now nothing forever. i dont even know how to make u happy. Alyssa |
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